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Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Acoustics MU547 Module
Acoustics MU624 Module
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics MU548 Module
Acoustics and Psychoacoustics MU625 Module
Advanced Acoustics and Psychoacoustics MU515 Module
Advanced Audio Skills MU800 Module
Audio Electronics (A) MU634 Module
Audio Electronics (A) MU557 Module
Audio Electronics (B) MU558 Module
Audio Electronics (B) MU635 Module
Audio Technologies 1 MU313 Module
Audio Technologies 2 (A) MU535 Module
Audio Technologies 2 (B) MU536 Module
Audio Technologies II MU613 Module
Celebratory Performance CR523 Module
Celebratory Performance and Street Arts CR515 Module
Cinema for the Ears (A): Composing with Sound MU626 Module
Cinema for the Ears (A): Composing with Sound MU549 Module
Cinema for the Ears (B): Composing with Space MU550 Module
Cinema for the Ears (B): Composing with Space MU627 Module
Cinema for the Ears: Composing with Sound and Space MU528 Module
Cinema for the Ears: Composing with Sound and Space MU620 Module
Collaborative Project FA803 Module
Communication FA308 Module
Composition Project MU534 Module
Composition techniques MU802 Module
Composition, Orchestration and Arrangement MU521 Module
Contexts and Case Studies in Creative Events CR300 Module
Contextual Studies MU314 Module
Contextualising Practice FA501 Module
Creative and Critical Practice 1 FA309 Module
Creative and Critical Practice 2 FA310 Module
Creative Events Dissertation CR505 Module
Creative Investigations 2 FA301 Module
Critical and Historical Perspectives on Music MU806 Module
Critical Research Paper FA802 Module
Critical Study and Presentation MU518 Module
Critique FA306 Module
Developing Practice FA506 Module
Development of Practice FA801 Module
Digital and Interactive Media in Live Events and Performance CR524 Module
Digital and Interactive Media in Live Events and Performance CR519 Module
Dissertation FA804 Module
Dissertation MU898 Module
Dissertation MU600 Module
Dissertation and Research Skills MU899 Module
Electronic Music and Synthesis MU514 Module
Ensemble performance MU622 Module
Ensemble performance MU532 Module
Ensemble Performance (A) MU551 Module
Ensemble Performance (A) MU628 Module
Ensemble Performance (B) MU552 Module
Ensemble Performance (B) MU629 Module
Fine Art FA800 Module
Found Image, Found Sound MU523 Module
Found Image, Found SounD MU524 Module
From Warhol to Whiteread: Postmodernity & Visual Arts Practice FA509 Module
Independent Project Realisation CR510 Module
Individual Project MU602 Module
Industrial and Regional Research CR308 Module
Installations and Interventions in the Public Realm CR522 Module
Interdisciplinary Project MU529 Module
Interdisciplinary Project MU530 Module
Introduction to Music in Education MU630 Module
Introduction to Music in Education MU553 Module
Methods and Materials FA311 Module
Music and Composition MU315 Module
Music and Composition II MU615 Module
Music and Culture MU328 Module
Music and Sound for New Media MU614 Module
Music Composition and Artsblend MU321 Module
Music Education in Practice MU631 Module
Music Education in Practice MU554 Module
Music for Film and Television MU542 Module
Music in education MU619 Module
Music in education MU618 Module
Music Performance 1 MU325 Module
Music Performance 1 (A) MU329 Module
Music Performance 1 (B) MU330 Module
Music Performance 2 MU519 Module
Music Performance 2 (A) MU537 Module
Music Performance 2 (B) MU538 Module
Music Performance 3 MU531 Module
Music Studies 1 MU322 Module
Music Studies 2 MU525 Module
Music Technology Project MU803 Module
Orchestration and Arrangement MU533 Module
Place and Site FA507 Module
Popular and World Music MU526 Module
Popular and World Music MU520 Module
Popular and World Music (A) MU632 Module
Popular and World Music (A) MU555 Module
Popular and World Music (B) MU633 Module
Popular and World Music (B) MU556 Module
Popular Music: Origins, Styles and Cultures MU327 Module
Postproduction Sound for Moving Image MU541 Module
Practice and Its Publics FA503 Module
Practice in Context FA502 Module
Practice in Context 2 FA508 Module
Production Practice CR307 Module
Professional and Studio Practice MU617 Module
Professional Development Portfolio CR517 Module
Project Pitch CR506 Module
Realising the Creative Idea CR301 Module
Resolution FA504 Module
Resolution: Audio-Visual Project MU804 Module
Review and Response FA500 Module
Scenography CR516 Module
Songwriting 1: Theory and Practice MU323 Module
Songwriting 2 MU522 Module
Songwriting 2 (A) MU543 Module
Songwriting 2 (B) MU544 Module
Songwriting 3 MU623 Module
Sonic Art MU324 Module
Sound Design 1 MU316 Module
Sound Design 2 (A) MU545 Module
Sound Design 2 (B) MU546 Module
Sound Design II MU616 Module
Sound, Image, Space: Practice and Process MU805 Module
Space FA307 Module
Specialist Project MU897 Module
Studies in Post-Tonal Music MU540 Module
Studies in Tonal Music MU539 Module
Studio Development 2 HA582 Module
Studio Project HA593 Module
Technology in performance MU621 Module
The Brand Experience CR518 Module
The Brand Experience CR525 Module
The Business of Event Production CR500 Module
The Fundamentals of Event Design CR310 Module
The Shock of the Now: Themes in Contemporary Art FA312 Module
The Shock of the Now: Themes in Contemporary Art HA315 Module
Time FA305 Module
Visual Communication CR309 Module

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