Browse School

Name Sort by name Code Sort by code Type Sort by type
Academic development SO328 Module
Adult Services and Community Care SO667 Module
Advanced interventions SOCI7190 Module
Advanced Interventions (SWDA) SWKX5002 Module
Advanced Social Work Practice with Children and Families SOCI9720 Module
Applied and Community Psychology SO649 Module
Applied Cognitive Psychology PSYC6300 Module
Applying Social Psychology to Work SP621 Module
Assessed Work-Based Activity 1 SWKX5001 Module
Assessed Work-Based Activity 2 SWKX6001 Module
Britain on film SO752 Module
Britain on Film SO617 Module
Collaborative Practices in Healthcare Management: Inclusion of the Patient SOCI9610 Module
Communication & Interpersonal Skills (SWDA) SWKX4001 Module
Communication and interpersonal skills: M-Level SOCI8960 Module
Communication Skills SOCI3070 Module
Comparative Crime Prevention SO933 Module
Contemporary Child Protection Practice and Policies SOCI9280 Module
Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice SOCI5490 Module
Contemporary Issues in Policing: Concepts, Theories, Debates SAPO5570 Module
Contested Cities SO700 Module
Crime and punishment in England, 1750-1900 SOCI7060 Module
Crime, Punishment and Penal Policy in Englandand Wales c.1800-1960 SA552 Module
Criminal justice practice SO705 Module
Criminal Law SO758 Module
Critical and Reflective Practice SOCI9190 Module
Critical and Reflective Practice (SWDA) SWKX6002 Module
Critical and reflective practice - SO718 SO718 Module
Critical and reflective practice - SO718 SOCI7180 Module
Definitions, prevalence, causes and consequences of child abuse and neglect SOCI9270 Module
Developmental Psychology SP629 Module
Dissertation SOCI5510 Module
Dissertation Child Protection SOCI9950 Module
Doing Visual Sociology SO685 Module
Drugs and Culture SO628 Module
Drugs, Crime and Criminal Justice SOCI6541 Module
Drugs, crime and the criminal justice system SOCI6540 Module
Emotions and Society SOCI7530 Module
Ethics in Everyday Life SO941 Module
Forensic Psychology PSYC6270 Module
Foundations in Social and Criminological Research 2 SOCI3440 Module
Foundations of Social and Criminological Research 1 SAPO3130 Module
Global Sustainable Healthcare SOCI9630 Module
Health Policy in Britain SA553 Module
Health, Illness and Society SO704 Module
History of the police and policing SO675 Module
Human cognition PSYC6250 Module
Human Growth and Development SOCI3080 Module
Human Growth and Development SO308 Module
Individual Intervention/Dissertation SO587 Module
Introduction to Contemporary Britain: Economic and Social History from SO326 Module
Introduction to criminology & criminal justice SOCI3290 Module
Introduction to Psychology PSYC3120 Module
Introduction to psychology SP310 Module
Introduction to Sociology SO306 Module
Issues for Families SOCI7170 Module
Issues for Families (SWDA) SWKX5003 Module
Issues for Families in Contemporary Society SOCI9711 Module
Issues in criminal justice SO651 Module
Key Welfare Issues SA551 Module
Law, Rights & Justice (SWDA) SWKX4002 Module
Law, Rights and Justice SOCI3090 Module
Law, rights and justice SOCI9200 Module
Learning to Learn SCWK0001 Module
Legislation and Policy in Social Work Practice SOCI9740 Module
Life Course Development SOCI9700 Module
Lifespan development (SWDA) SWKX4003 Module
Making Sense of Mental Health SOCI7250 Module
Making Sense of Mental Health (SWDA) SWKX5004 Module
Managing and Delivering Community Care Services SO591 Module
Managing Integrated Health Systems SOCI9640 Module
Managing Uncertainty in healthcare organisations SOCI8007 Module
Methods of Social Research SA310 Module
New Perspectives on Assessment and Observation SOCI9290 Module
People who use carers and services SO671 Module
People, Politics and Particpation SOCI7140 Module
Policy and Politics of Criminal Justice SO934 Module
Politics And Power SO713 Module
Practice Assignments 1 SOCI9440 Module
Practice Assignments 1 SOCI7230 Module
Practice Assignments 2 SOCI9450 Module
Practice Assignments 2 SOCI7220 Module
Practice Educator Professional Standards Stage 1 SOCI9991 Module
Practice Learning Placement 1 SO579 Module
Practice Learning Placement 2 SO580 Module
Practice Placement 1 SOCI7200 Module
Practice Placement 1 SOCI9210 Module
Practice Placement 2 SOCI9220 Module
Practice Placement 2 SOCI7210 Module
Principles and Practice of Social Policy SA550 Module
Prison and Probation Policy and Practice SO935 Module
Prisons, probation and offender rehabilitation SOCI6190 Module
Psychology of Criminal Justice SOCI5480 Module
Psychology of Emotion and Motivation PSYC6280 Module
Psychology of Group Behaviour PSYC6260 Module
Psychology of Social Behaviour PSYC6320 Module
Psychology of Social Cognition PSYC6310 Module
Psychology research methods and data analysis SO646 Module
Psychology Research Methods and Data Analysis PSYC6460 Module
Psychopathology PSYC6220 Module
Public Law SO946 Module
Public Policy Process SO936 Module
Readiness for direct practice SOCI9430 Module
Readiness for Direct Practice SOCI9692 Module
Readiness for direct practice SOCI4090 Module
Readiness for Direct Practice (SWDA) SWKX4004 Module
Research for Social Work Practice SOCI6730 Module
Research for Social Work Practice (SWDA) SWKX6003 Module
Research Methods and Dissertation SOCI8990 Module
Research Methods for Social Work SOCI8992 Module
Restorative Justice: Concepts, Issues, Debates SOCI6810 Module
Social and Public Policy in Britain: Historical Perspectives SO942 Module
Social Ethics SOCI5560 Module
Social justice practice SO686 Module
Social Policy & Social Problems SOCI3100 Module
Social Policy + Social Problems (SWDA) SWKX4005 Module
Social Policy and Everyday Lives SO749 Module
Social Policy in Global Contexts SOCI7570 Module
Social Practices and Institutions  SOCI3460 Module
Social Problems and Policy SO937 Module
Social Problems and Social Policy (UKM) SA311 Module
Social Research Methods and Evaluation SO592 Module
Social Sciences Professional Practice Assignments SOCI7380 Module
Social Sciences Professional Practice Placement SOCI7390 Module
Social Theory for Social Workers (2012/2013) SOCI3110 Module
Social Work - Adults and Mental Health Issues (MA) SOCI8970 Module
Social work in a a multi-agency context SOCI6720 Module
Social Work in a Multi-Agency Context SWKX5007 Module
Social Work processes, theories and methods SOCI9730 Module
Social Work Services and Service Users SOCI3120 Module
Social Work Skills and Values SOCI9690 Module
Social work theories, interventions and skills SOCI9230 Module
Social Work Theories, Interventions and Skills (SWDA) SWKX4006 Module
Social Work Theories, Methods & Practice 1 SOCI3130 Module
Social work theory, methods and practice 2 SO674 Module
Social Work with Adults SOCI7240 Module
Social Work with Adults (SWDA) SWKX5005 Module
Social Work with Children and Families SOCI7160 Module
Social Work with Children and Families SOCI9180 Module
Social work with children and families SO666 Module
Social Work with Children and Families (SWDA) SWKX5006 Module
Sociological Perspectives and Concepts SOCI3450 Module
Sociological Perspectives for Social Work (SWDA) SWKX4007 Module
Sociological Research Methods SOCI6470 Module
Sociology SO300 Module
Studying Modern Culture SO304 Module
Summer School in Urban Ethnography SO761 Module
Support, Help and Intervention SOCI9300 Module
Support, Help and Intervention in International Child Protection SOCI9790 Module
The 'Unconscious at Work': The Organizational Dimensions of Risk-Management SOCI9310 Module
The Care and Protection of Children and Families SA531 Module
The individual, the family and society SOCI9240 Module
The politics of criminal justice SOCI6870 Module
The Politics of Social Policy SAPO3120 Module
The Sociology of Time SOCI7650 Module
The Sociology of Urban Life SOCI7590 Module
Theory and method in historical research SO648 Module
Understanding Contemporary Britain SOCI3430 Module
Understanding Social Research SOCI9261 Module
User Group Specific Practice SO589 Module
Values and Social Ethics for Social Work Practice SOCI3140 Module
Values, Ethics & Diversity (SWDA) SWKX4008 Module
Values, Ethics and Diversity SOCI8980 Module
Victims and Crime SOCI7540 Module
Welfare Histories, Welfare Futures: Social Policy in Historical Context SO545 Module
What is social work? (SWDA) SWKX4009 Module
Women and Work: Britain 1850-1975 SO669 Module
Women, crime and justice SO618 Module
Working Across Agencies and Sectors SO586 Module
Young People and Violence SOCI7510 Module
Youth, crime and criminal justice SOCI6500 Module

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